Many people do not realize how valuable libraries are for their communities. In these tough economic times, libraries are busier than ever. In addition to free books, CDs, videos and Internet service, librarians and library workers have been assisting people with online job searching, and providing entrepreneurs with the information they need to start a new business.
The Colorado State Library has developed a statewide library awareness campaign to shift the general public’s perceptions so they understand that libraries change with the times, are not just building full of books, and that they provide critical help to people during times of personal or community transition. Check out the What’s Next?! website for more information.
If you’re interested in putting a monetary figure on the value of libraries, take a look at “Public Libraries: A Wise Investment” from the Library Research Service for details on library return on investment (ROI).
Another publication that may be of interest is “The State of America’s Libraries,” a report from the American Library Association.
April 10 – 16 is National Library Week. Take time to visit your local library and discover the great services they have available.
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