Pigeon Loves Libraries and Libraries Love Pigeon!

Mapping Pigeon’s Progress through Colorado Libraries during Pigeon Week 2024

Inaugural Pigeon Week saw Mo Willems’ notoriously intrepid and famously friendly Pigeon venture through Colorado, stopping at our public and school libraries to explore all they have to offer. Adventure did, in fact, begin at the library for our feathered friend. (Really, Pigeon is a plush, but who’s complaining?!)

Map of Colorado labeled Pigeon Week 2024 with stopped marked on different cities with a pigeon face icon






Colorado Department of Education and Colorado State Library who hosted Pigeon for their weeklong stay in the Centennial State weren’t the only folx sharing Pigeon’s progress. Mo Willems Workshop (yes, Mo Father of Pigeon and Children’s Author Extraordinaire Willems, the very same) followed along and boosted Pigeon’s journey and all our libraries on their journey.

This awesome adventure couldn’t have been completed without our wonderful Colorado library hosts. Thank you to all the library staff and professionals who rolled out the red… carpet?… not too sure about the carpet part… for Pigeon. It’s been reported that Pigeon enjoyed their visit very much and may be planning a return. After all, Pigeon Week may have started this year, but there’s always next year and the year after that and the year after that and the… Until then… but not before then. Pigeon’s got to rest!


Cristy Moran