BIG News About SWIFT!

Update about the SWIFT Service Migration




We have some wonderful news! After years of exploring and discussing new software solutions for the SWIFT program, we have chosen to migrate SWIFT libraries to INN-Reach and connect with Prospector.

The Colorado State Library and the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries are really excited to be able to provide this opportunity for our library community and the communities you serve. By partnering with the Alliance to connect SWIFT members to the Prospector network, we are greatly expanding the resource sharing landscape. Bringing these groups together in one service will be bringing the state the closest to achieving a “statewide” catalog than it has been able to do up until now.

The INN-Reach migration will be carried out in phases, beginning in fall 2020 and continuing into winter 2021. We will be individually contacting libraries to create a migration plan that works best for each library and staff. We understand each SWIFT library has their own comfort level and capacity, especially in the current climate. We will work with you to ensure the migration will be a match for your library, staff and community needs. As the transition begins, the current software will continue to be supported until December 31, 2020.

School libraries will be included in the SWIFT migration. Their membership will be partnered with their local libraries, making their configuration different than it currently is in the SWIFT system.

I’m sure you have a ton of questions, and you’re not alone! We are at the beginning of the migration process. We will continue to share details with you, and request information from you as we progress through this transition.

We’re very much looking forward to this next step in the SWIFT program, and the enhanced partnership between the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries.

Please direct any questions to SWIFT-Support,

Regan Harper