Friday Grab Bag, March 7, 2025

8 young women in historic French-style costumes  rehearse on stage.
Production Tonight. The Estes Park Trail, March 7, 1975

The Friday Grab Bag is a weekly series that highlights fun, unique, and interesting happenings in Colorado libraries, and includes news from the Colorado State Library. Let’s open the Friday Grab Bag!

Library Events & Programs

Creative Inspiration

Three high school students pose with an easel displaying artwork.
Several Art Students Receive Certificates. The Royal Banner-FHS, March 7, 1975

Louisville Public Library’s Youth Spring Art Show opening reception is March 7 at 5:30 pm. Join them to celebrate these young artists while enjoying professional artists’ demonstrations and music.

Arapahoes Libraries invites young artists ages 5-12 to enter their Design a Bookmark Contest during the month of March. Designs can be submitted by mail or in person.

Basalt Regional Library welcomes storytellers, writers, journalers, and listeners to Storytelling and Journaling on March 23 at 3:30 pm. Jessica Amber Barnum will lead the workshop.

March Celebrations

Clear Creek County Library District invites kids to a Leprechaun Trap Workshop on March 14 at John Tomay Memorial Library. They’ll design and create a trap for the wee mythical creature.

Jefferson County Public Library is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt for teens on March 14 at Arvada Library. Wear your greenest outfit and hunt for a pot of gold during this evening of fun, crafts, and snacks.

Estes Valley Library invites you to create a Clay Pie Craft for Pi(e) Day on March 14 (3.14) at 10:30 am. You’ll use Polymer Bake Clay to craft and bake tiny pie accessories like necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and keychains.

Pick ‘n’ Mix

A woman poses with book-sized dominoes.
Mrs. Allene Anderson with king size dominoes. The Rocky Mountain News Daily, March 13, 1955

Broomfield Library’s Prom Swap Shopping Day is March 8 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Pick out something fun, funky, and new-to-you! All are welcome to take home a new outfit, even if they are not able to donate.

Join the Fort Morgan Museum for their first Spring into Summer Camp program on March 12 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Kids will experience pioneer life for a day, including churning butter, playing with Lincoln Logs, creating beeswax candles, and more!

Mesa County Libraries invites you to their Garden Fair on March 8 at the Collbran Congregational Church. Nina Louden from the Colorado Department of Agriculture, Palisade Insectary will be there to share information about natural biocontrols.

Pueblo City-County Library District welcomes CSU Pueblo Physics Professor Lei Marquez for The Physics of Space Exploration, a presentation on March 12 at Pueblo West about the history and physics of some of NASA’s most iconic moments.

Silverton Public Library’s Sourdough School is in session March 12 at 4:00 pm. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned baker, you’ll learn the art of making and maintaining sourdough starter and baking delicious bread while exploring the science of fermentation.

A young woman in sunglasses poses on the grass beside a tiny snowman.
Absorbing Rays. The Arrow-CSU Pueblo, March 12, 1965

What’s New from the Colorado State Library

Library Research Service

The Latest Cartography for Colorado Library Systems

Learning Opportunities

All events are online except where a location is noted.

Library Jobline

Are you considering a job change this year? Check out Library Jobline for hot new library employment opportunities, like this selection from around Colorado.

Two girls hold hands while they roller skate.
Struggling Skater. Golden Transcript, March 13, 1975

This post is part of the Spotlight on Sharing initiative, which aims to increase the visibility of Colorado library programs and resource sharing. Do you have a story from your library to share? Email Amy Hitchner,

All images are from the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection, a service of Colorado State Library.

Amy Hitchner
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