It’s been a while since our last SWIFT migration update, but we’ve been busy behind the scenes and have big news to share for AspenCat libraries! In partnership with ByWater Solutions, CLiC, and III, we will be implementing Direct to INN-Reach integration (D2IR) within the Koha integrated library system (ILS) for AspenCat libraries. This means that libraries within the AspenCat consortium will be able to complete Prospector borrowing and lending activities within their existing Koha ILS, rather than using the Resource Sharing Broker (RSB) Windows client. This is an exciting development that will improve the staff experience by eliminating the need to:
- Download and use the RSB Windows Client,
- Maintain separate Prospector account and password information,
- Duplicate borrowing and lending transactions within the local ILS (because when patrons make requests, data is pushed directly into Koha to create bibliographic records, item records, and holds automatically without staff intervention)
- Set up and maintain patron, bibliographic, and item synchronization processes.
What’s Next for AspenCat Libraries?
Set-up and configuration for integration between Koha/AspenCat and INN-Reach/Prospector is underway with a small number of AspenCat libraries in our test group. Once they are up and running with all the kinks ironed out, we will share a more specific timeframe for when the remaining AspenCat libraries can begin participating in Prospector through their ILS, rather than through the RSB client. Stay tuned for updates!
What’s Next for Non-AspenCat Libraries?
We have also begun work for Phase 2 of the migration project, which will allow automated libraries (that are not part of the AspenCat consortium), to offer patron-initiated borrowing, and lend materials in their collections to other Prospector libraries through the RSB client. As we move through back end set-up and establish processes for supporting this additional functionality for SWIFT libraries, we want to share, at a high level, how this will work with Prospector, and things for you to keep in mind as we move forward.
Patron Initiated Requests: Libraries that are able/choose to offer patron initiated requests – meaning that eligible patrons will be able to place requests themselves via the online Prospector union catalog, will have the opportunity to enable this functionality. In order to offer this service, libraries will need to:
- Provide a regular extract of patron data that meets Innovative’s standard data specifications.
- Promote the service and provide instruction to patron end users.
- Place links to the Prospector union catalog on their library website and OPAC.
Lending: Libraries that are able/choose to lend material via Prospector will have the opportunity to contribute holdings to the union catalog, and receive training for managing lending requests and returns via the RSB client. In order to lend material to other Prospector libraries, libraries will need to:
- Provide a regular extract of bibliographic and item data that meets Innovative’s standard data specifications.
- Complete RSB client training for Lending requests and returns.
As we progress with Phase 2, we will provide more details on timelines, data requirements, and project steps. Stay tuned for more info, training opportunities, and updates, and if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us.
What Else is Happening?
There are still some libraries that have not been set up for staff-initiated borrowing through the RBS client. If you are not an AspenCat library, and you have not yet completed the steps outlined here: SWIFT Migration – Start your Engines! you will need to do so before we can put you on the schedule to begin staff-initiated borrowing. If you have questions, or encounter issues, please reach out to SWIFT-Support at
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