Program Spotlight: Buena Vista Library’s Sound Bath for Self-Care

We’ve asked libraries across Colorado to submit program they’ve run in the last year that they’re proud of and they want the rest of us to see and celebrate. Sharing stories in books is great… but what about our stories? The stories of the ways our libraries bring the community together, enrich the lives of our neighbors, and serve the people who live and work in our cities and towns.

Sarah Greenberg, Adult Services Coordinator, answered our call and we’re excited to let them tell you about Buena Vista Public Library’s Sound Bath for Self-Care in their own words.

a brass bowl atop a cushion and the words sound bath on them


Library Name: Buena Vista Public Library

City/ Town: Buena Vista, CO

Program Name: Sound Bath for Self-Care

Date/ Date Range of Program: December 15, 2021

Intended Audience: Adults


Stressed or anxious? Allow this soothing sound bath to relax and re-tune your mind. The immersive experience also involves breath work and light movement. Replenish your energy for the holidays. What is a sound bath? It’s an immersive, meditative experience where participants are “bathed” in sound waves from crystal (or sometimes glass or metal) bowls.

How did you come up with the idea for this program?

Our Pilates teacher approached the Library with this program idea. I looked into sound baths and discovered how expensive and popular they are, and decided it would be a good opportunity to introduce a new and potentially healing class to our small mountain community. I like bringing experiences to the Library that might be out of reach for folks because of money, time, or travel limitations.

What partners (if any) did you work with in developing or implementing this program?

We worked with the program instructor, Kearsty Bogenrief, a licensed massage therapist, who is also a yoga and Pilates instructor, to develop the sound bath program.

What about this program did you find successful? How did you measure the success of this program?

The first event had 15 attendees, which is a great number for programs in our small town. We also heard participants asking for another sound bath and are finally repeating the program this December.

Final Thoughts:

Our 2021 event was mentioned in the recent issue of American Libraries Magazine!


Sara Greenberg has permitted us to share their contact information so that anyone interested in reaching out to them about their program can do so. It is an incredibly generous offer of which you are invited to avail yourself if you’re inspired by their work and want to celebrate them or if you have questions about ways you can follow their lead.

To reach Sara, email them at


Colorado State Library (and the readers of this point as well, no doubt) understands how time consuming, emotionally draining, costly (in so many ways), and challenging it can be to run a program or project. Sometimes they fail gloriously… sometimes they fail with barely a whisper. It can be hard to recover from that. You’ve worked so hard!… and it just didn’t work out. Be gentle with yourself. Self-reflect. Pick up the pieces. And then get to the next thing. It’ll be worth it.

For all those other times, be sure to celebrate. Brag about it! Feel good about yourself, the team that collaborated on your work, and the community members who participated with it. Celebrate your hard work and the value that you contribute to your community.

Tell us the story of your program just like this library did here. Submit your library’s program for a Program Spotlight featured here and shared as far as Colorado State Library news reaches.

Cristy Moran