The Latest Cartography for Colorado Library Systems

If last month’s post showcasing a map of library locations created in PolicyMap by Library Research Service (LRS) left you wanting more maps, you’re in luck! Library locations are relatively simple to map, but LRS also recently tackled the task of combining the boundaries of all Colorado public library systems onto one map, so anyone can see exactly where each library’s legal service area starts and ends. 

Although similar maps have been created in the past, these versions are over ten years old and quite outdated. Although the jurisdictions of most library systems remain the same from year to year, sometimes there is a shift in a library’s service area. This can be due to a change in funding sources or if a library system ceases to exist altogether. For example, a previous library system map was published in 2011 when there were 115 public library systems in Colorado, but now there are 112 public library systems. Needless to say, it was time for an upgrade, and we’re excited to share this new tool for you to use….

Continue reading this post on and check out more posts on research in a library context from Library Research Service.

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