Aims Community College, in Weld County, is what the Colorado Department of Higher Education calls a “local district community college,” meaning that while it is a state-funded community college, it is not part of the Colorado Community College System but is locally managed.
The idea for a college in Weld County was first studied in 1965, according to the Aims history website. The college officially began in 1967. 949 students were enrolled that first year, and classes were held in Greeley’s old Lincoln Elementary School until a permanent site was purchased in 1969. Construction of the campus buildings continued over the next several years. A South Campus opened west of Fort Lupton in 1984, and a Loveland campus opened its doors in 1987. A Windsor campus was added in 2010. Aims also offers online courses.
7,966 students were enrolled in Aims in 2016/17, the majority being under the age of 22. Check the college’s website for additional stats, including information on tuition, financial aid, degrees awarded, and more.
In our library you can find a number of publications about Aims Community College, such as their annual budgets, historic and current college catalogs, annual report, and an economic impact summary.
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