New Version of the Colorado Blueprint

A new version of Governor Hickenlooper’s “Bottom-Up” economic development plan was released this morning. The new version,”Colorado Blueprint v1.0: A bottom-up approach to economic development“, fleshes out the details and tightens timelines for the 24 tactics in the document. The blueprint focuses on the following six objectives: Build a Business-Friendly Environment; Retain, Grow and Recruit Companies; Increase Access to Capital; Create and Market a Stronger Colorado Brand; Educate and Train the Workforce of the Future; Cultivate Innovation and Technology.

According to the press release from the governor’s office, specific changes include:


  • “Increased engagement of the business and economic development communities to develop a comprehensive statewide industry cluster strategy in the next three months, rather than the next nine months
  • Increased focus on local and regional infrastructure development tha aligns with regional economic development priorities
  • A structure for engaging industry partners in promoting the Colorado brand through the International Trade and Tourism Ambassador Program.”


If you’d like to compare the old with the new, the first version of the Colorado Blueprint can be accessed through our digital repository.

Samantha Hager
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