This is National Poison Prevention Week, and if you work in the agriculture industry, one of the poisons that you will most frequently encounter is pesticides. If you are someone who handles or administers pesticides, or are an employer of those who do so, here are some resources from the State of Colorado that provide helpful tips on how to stay safe around pesticides. Resources listed without web links can be checked out in print from our library or through Prospector.
- 2014 Sunset Review, Pesticide Applicators’ Act
- Agricultural Pesticide Protective Equipment
- Banned and Severely Restricted Pesticides
- Best Management Practices for Agricultural Pesticide Use to Protect Water Quality
- Best Management Practices for Pesticide and Fertilizer Storage and Handling
- Certification of Applicators
- Chemigation Laws
- Colorado Pesticide Guide: Commercial Vegetable Crops
- Colorado Pesticide Guide: Field Crops
- Colorado Pesticide Guide: Vegetable Crops
- Commercial Applicator Licenses: Do You Need One?
- Commercial Pesticide Application
- Commercial Pesticide Application Complaints
- Commercial Pesticide Applicator Inspections
- Commercial Pesticide Recordkeeping Requirements
- Disposal of Hazardous Waste Pesticides in Colorado
- Federal Worker Protection Standard Decontamination Sites
- Federal Worker Protection Standard Emergency Medical Assistance
- Federal Worker Protection Standard Employer/Commercial Applicator Information Exchange
- Homeowner’s Guide to Pesticide Use Around the Home and Garden
- Insect Repellents: What Are They and How Are They Registered?
- Pesticides in the Food Chain
- Potential Pesticide Transport in Colorado Agriculture
- Relative Sensitivity of Colorado Groundwater to Pesticide Impact
- Safe Pesticide Handling
- Safety Rules for Pesticide Use
- Survey of Irrigation, Nutrient and Pesticide Management Practices in Colorado
Our library also has a series of Pesticide Application and Safety Training Study Guides from the Colorado State University Extension and the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Each guidebook covers a single subject, such as weeds and insects, and application area, such as forest, rangeland, household, ornamental/garden, aquatic, and agricultural. Search our library’s online catalog for a list of titles.

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