With housing prices and rent so high these days, many people are talking about the need for more affordable housing and how to implement affordable housing programs. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs’ Division of Housing (DOH) has numerous resources on their website that can help researchers, homebuyers/renters, and policymakers find information on affordable housing in Colorado. Search their site for information on federal programs such as HOME and Section 8; various grant programs; rental assistance; training workshops; foreclosure prevention; rental vacancy data; Colorado energy codes; homeless programs; voucher programs; manufactured housing; landlord/tenant problems; and much more. DOH has also produced numerous helpful publications, including:
- Affordable Housing Guide for Local Officials (2017) [broken Google Drive link removed 19 May 2022]
- Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (2015)
- Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) (annual, 2008-present)
- Foreclosure Report (quarterly, 2006-present)
- Historic Affordable Housing Development (2002)
- Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan (2018)
- Housing Need and Rent Burden in Colorado and its Metropolitan Areas (2012)
- Manufactured Homes and Factory Built Housing Installation Handbook (2014)
- Pathways Home Colorado (2012)
- Public Housing Agency (PHA) Annual Plan (annual, 2013-present)
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